Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Which font do you like the best when it comes to using it for THE FILTHY SPOON title, poster, and whatever text I would need for TFS? You can vote with the poll I put up.


Unknown said...

I chose 1 because it's most similar to existing face, which I like.

Why are you changing? And couldn't you adjust the old one instead, such as reducing the crossbar on the "T" and making the "p" the spoon, so the baseline is more broken?

Or, I like the typeface of the blog, so the words' meaning contrasts with their appearance.

Not trying to be a pain...

The Filthy Spoon said...

The other font I hand wrote, it does not look very good, and I think it is too horror like. You are not being a pain. :-)I like feedback like this.

Unknown said...

I like the text you have now also, and voted #1 for the same rezoning as Nigel...

Jeremiah said...

Ok...final results coming soon...but it is pretty clear which one will be the top most voted.